Onyx Rising proudly presents the D.E.S.T.I.N.E. Model, a robust and dynamic framework tailored to guide organizations and individuals from conceptual understanding to actionable steps in Inclusive Leadership and Innovation (ILI). This innovative model encapsulates a full-cycle approach to creating lasting impact in ILI initiatives.
Organizations are destined to realize their desired impact with ILI when leveraging these steps.
The model comprises seven pivotal steps, each signifying a strategic phase in the ILI journey:
D: Define - Establishing clear ILI objectives aligned with your organizational values and mission.
E: Evaluate - Assessing current ILI practices to identify areas for development and growth.
S: Strategy/Strategize - Crafting a bespoke ILI strategy that encompasses targeted actions and measurable goals.
T: Train/Educate - Providing comprehensive education and training to foster a ILI-aware culture.
I: Implement - Putting the strategy into practice through structured ILI initiatives and programs.
N: Normalize - Integrating ILI into everyday business operations, making it a norm rather than an exception.
E: Empower - Equipping individuals with the tools and confidence to advocate for ILI within and beyond the organization.
Our objective experience tells us that organizations desiring change in ILI must first define what Inclusive Leadership and Innovation means for them uniquely as they establish a “North Star” around their change management efforts. This allows for confirmation and broad understanding of the ILI strategic framework and overall direction including ILI definitions, vision and priority areas of focus. It’s also important for organizations to evaluate and understand their current state in comparison to where they’d like to be. Then, Onyx Rising helps our clients leverage perspectives from various stakeholders to develop a long-term ILI strategy aligned to the organization’s business and core values.
Educating and training everyone to model inclusive behaviors will lead to a more inclusive culture, but developing change ambassadors to drive and implement the strategy is critical to success. Normalizing the change and empowering all associates enables organizations to sustain long-term change.